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Unlock Unlimited Earnings by Simply Sharing Links with Linkezo

Created on 23 August, 2024 • 121 views • 8 minutes read

How you can earn money by sharing links using Linkezo's bio link pages, short links, splash pages, and more. Learn how to maximize your earnings with no fees.


In today's digital age, where every click counts, the ability to monetize the links you share is a game-changer. Whether you're an influencer, a blogger, or someone who frequently shares content online, there's a simple yet powerful way to turn those links into a steady income stream. Enter Linkezo, a versatile platform that offers multiple tools to help you earn money by just sharing links. With features like bio link pages, short links, vCard links, event links, and file links, along with the ability to host static sites, Linkezo empowers you to take control of your online presence and earnings. In this article, we'll explore how you can maximize your revenue using Linkezo's splash pages and ad networks, making it possible to earn money with every link you share.

How to Earn Money by Sharing Links


Monetizing the links you share is easier than you might think. By using Linkezo, you can generate income by directing traffic through splash pages that display ads. Here's how it works:

When you share a link using Linkezo, you have the option to create a splash page—a short intermediate page that appears before the user is redirected to their desired destination. You can place ads on this splash page, and when visitors view these ads, you earn money. It's as simple as setting up the page, choosing an ad network, and watching the earnings roll in.

The Power of Splash Pages in Linkezo

Splash Pages are the secret sauce to earning money with Linkezo. They allow you to capture the attention of your audience and monetize their engagement. By setting up a splash page, you can display ads from networks like Google AdSense, PropellerAds, Media.net, and more. You can even control how long the splash page is displayed before the user is redirected to the intended link. This brief pause is enough to generate income, especially when you have high-traffic links.

Creating a Splash Page in Linkezo


Creating a splash page in Linkezo is straightforward. First, select the link you want to monetize. Then, choose the "Create Splash Page" option. Customize the page by adding your desired ads, setting the display duration, and saving the settings. Now, whenever someone clicks on your link, they'll first see the splash page, where the ad will be displayed. After the set duration, they'll be redirected to the original link, and you'll earn money for every ad view.

Optimizing Splash Pages for Maximum Earnings


To maximize your earnings, consider the following tips:

  • Choose High-Paying Ad Networks: Research and select ad networks that offer the highest payouts for your niche.
  • Optimize Ad Placement: Ensure that the ads are prominently displayed on the splash page for better visibility.
  • Adjust Display Duration: Experiment with different display durations to find the optimal balance between user experience and ad engagement.
  • Target the Right Audience: Share your links with audiences that are more likely to engage with the ads.

Leveraging Linkezo's Bio Link Pages for Earnings

Bio Link Pages are another powerful tool in Linkezo's arsenal. These pages allow you to create a central hub for all your important links, which you can share on social media, in emails, or anywhere else. By integrating splash pages and ads into your bio link pages, you can monetize the traffic that comes through these pages.

Setting Up a Bio Link Page on Linkezo


Setting up a bio link page on Linkezo is quick and easy. Start by logging into your Linkezo account and selecting the "Create Bio Link Page" option. Customize your page by adding links, images, and text that represent your brand or content. Next, add splash pages to the links you'd like to monetize. Once everything is set up, share your bio link page across your online platforms. Each time someone clicks on a link from your bio page, you'll have the opportunity to earn money.

Monetizing Bio Link Pages

Monetizing your bio link pages involves strategically placing links that lead to splash pages with ads. By doing so, you turn each click into potential revenue. This method is especially effective if you have a large following on social media, as you can drive significant traffic through your bio link page.

Maximizing Earnings with Short Links

Short Links are another feature that Linkezo offers to help you earn money. Short links are not only easy to share, but they can also be monetized by adding splash pages with ads. Every time someone clicks on your short link, they are first shown the splash page before being redirected to the final destination.

Creating Short Links with Linkezo


To create a short link, log in to your Linkezo account and select the "Short Link" option. Enter the URL you want to shorten and customize the link if desired. Then, choose whether to add a splash page. Once your short link is created, share it wherever you like. The more clicks you get, the more you can earn.

The Benefits of Short Links

  • Easy to Share: Short links are more visually appealing and easier to share, making them ideal for social media, emails, and text messages.
  • Monetizable: By adding splash pages with ads, short links become a source of income.
  • Trackable: Linkezo provides detailed analytics for each short link, allowing you to track performance and optimize your strategies.

Boosting Revenue with vCard and Event Links

vCard Links and Event Links are unique tools offered by Linkezo that can also be monetized. These links are perfect for professionals and event organizers looking to share contact information or event details while earning money.

Creating and Monetizing vCard Links

vCard links allow you to share your digital business card with a single click. By adding a splash page with ads, you can monetize this simple action. Whether you're sharing your vCard link on LinkedIn, in an email signature, or on a website, you have the opportunity to earn money each time someone clicks the link.

Monetizing Event Links

Event links are a great way to promote your events while also generating income. When you create an event link on Linkezo, you can add a splash page with ads, turning every event registration or RSVP into a revenue-generating opportunity.

File Links: Turning Downloads into Dollars

File Links on Linkezo allow you to share files with a unique link, which can be monetized by adding a splash page with ads. Whether you're sharing eBooks, PDFs, images, or any other type of file, you can earn money each time someone downloads your file through the splash page.

Creating and Monetizing File Links


Creating a file link is as simple as uploading your file to Linkezo and generating a unique link. By adding a splash page, you can display ads before the file is downloaded, allowing you to earn money for every download.

Static Sites: Monetizing Personal Websites

Linkezo also allows you to host Static Sites, which are simple websites with fixed content. These sites can be monetized by adding splash pages to links within the site, creating another revenue stream.

Setting Up and Monetizing Static Sites


To set up a static site, select the "Static Site" option in Linkezo. Choose a template, add your content, and set up splash pages for any outbound links. This allows you to earn money whenever someone clicks on a link on your site.

How Linkezo Ensures 100% Earnings


One of the biggest advantages of using Linkezo is that you get to keep 100% of your earnings. Unlike other platforms that take a percentage of your revenue, Linkezo allows you to pocket every cent you earn. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to maximize their online income.

Ad Networks to Use with Linkezo


To ensure you maximize your earnings, consider using the following ad networks with Linkezo:

These networks are known for offering competitive payouts and can help you generate significant income through your splash pages.


How does Linkezo help in earning money by sharing links?

Linkezo allows you to create splash pages with ads that appear before the final link destination, enabling you to earn money each time someone views the ad.

Can I use any ad network with Linkezo?

Yes, Linkezo supports a variety of ad networks, including Google AdSense, PropellerAds, and Media.net etc.

How do splash pages work on Linkezo?

Splash pages are intermediate pages that display ads before redirecting users to their final destination. These ads generate revenue for you.

Is Linkezo free to use?

Linkezo offers both free and paid plans. The free plan includes basic features with ads, while the paid plan, starting at just a few dollars a month, allows you to remove Linkezo's ads and add your own.

Can I track the performance of my links on Linkezo?

Yes, Linkezo provides detailed analytics for all your links, including the number of clicks, Countries & cities, Referrers & UTMs, Devices & operating systems and Browsers, Languages.

What types of links can I create with Linkezo?

You can create bio link pages, short links, vCard links, event links, file links, and even host static sites with Linkezo.

How does Linkezo compare to other link-sharing platforms?

Unlike other platforms that take a percentage of your earnings, Linkezo allows you to keep 100% of your revenue, making it a more profitable choice.


Monetizing the links you share has never been easier, thanks to Linkezo. By leveraging tools like splash pages, bio link pages, short links, vCard links, event links, and file links, you can turn every click into a revenue-generating opportunity. With the ability to keep 100% of your earnings and access to powerful ad networks, Linkezo is the ultimate platform for anyone looking to maximize their online income.


Sign up for Linkezo today and start earning with every click—no strings attached!